
The King's Song

To be sung in honor of the King, and only if His Majesty is present.

Listen to the song

Ur svenska hjärtans djup en gång,
en samfälld och en enkel sång
som går till kungen fram! 
Var honom trofast och hans ätt, 
gör kronan på hans hjässa lätt,
och all din tro till honom sätt, 
du folk av frejdad stam.


O konung, folkets majestät
är även ditt. Beskärma det
och värna det från fall! 
Stå oss all världens härar mot,
vi blinka ej för deras hot,
vi lägga dem inför Din fot,
en kunglig fotapall.


Du himlens Herre med oss var,
som förr Du med oss varit har
och liva på vår strand
det gamla lynnets art igen
hos Sveakungen och hans män
och låt Din ande vila än

utöver nordanland!




From the depth's of Swedish hearts once upon a time,
a unanimous and simple song
that reaches to the King all the way 
give your faith to him and his family
make the crown on his head be worn with ease
and all your beliefs to him put
you people of a famous tribe.


O King, the people’s majesty
is even yours. Safeguard it
and protect it from decline
stand with us against the world’s hosts
we never blink to their threats
we put them down before Your foot
a Royal foot stool.


You heavenly Lord that with us are
like You always with us have been
and like You lived on our strand
the old mood all again
with the Swedish King and his men
and let Your spirit still be
out over Land of Norse.








This is not an official translation, but my very own, and it’s not primarily meant for singing. I have instead tried to express feelings and thoughts from the time it was composed, the best my limited English allows, and I have even tried harder. You may think several expressions sounds odd, and since the original text is written in an old Swedish, that we hardly use anymore, you are right, it sounds odd in Swedish too.
Suggestions and clarifications are welcome.