Castaway Island in Fiji


I have for a couple of years now been linking to both the Castaway Island web cam and the Castaway Island website.
I will not continue doing this, since I am being accused of stealing intellectual properties! Can you imagine being accused of this when linking to a web cam and site? I don't know whether to cry or laugh!
I did put up the links for fun, and the enjoyment of being able to travel around the world, in about fifteen minutes! I have now reduced this journey with half a minute! Only by "casting" the link away! :-)
Even if I live far away I have viewers from all over the world, and in theory at least, my links may have, or could have brought forward a couple of new tourists for Castaway Island and Fiji Islands.

This page will be posted until a public apology is published instead of the web accusation page!

Believe it or not, but my request for apology of false accusations has resulted in another very unpleasant letter with further accusations that I am running an adult site with live chat. The author has apparently not made any investigations at all. This leads my thoughts back to the accusation page, that probably have the same groundless accusations.
My impression is that it must be written by someone that suffer from schizophrenia or maybe, maybe is just retarded. I'm leaning towards the latter.
This is really sad!

No shadow over Castaway Island, is my first thought! But, there is a pale shade over those who choose a webmaster like that!
They don't need good advertisement apparently!?